How do you change the world? One conversation at a time, according to the CEO of StoryCorps, Sandra Clark. Clark joins Aidan and Ash for an illuminating discussion on how StoryCorps’ program, One Small Step (OSS), is trying to bridge the nation’s growing divide in an effort to fend off a growing “culture of contempt” in the United States. All in this week’s episode of Hold Me Back. Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and your other favorite podcast platforms.
One Small Step across a Large Divide
How do you change the world? One conversation at a time, according to the CEO of StoryCorps, Sandra Clark. Clark joins Aidan and Ash for an illuminating discussion on how StoryCorps’ program, One Small Step (OSS), is trying to bridge the nation’s growing divide in an effort to fend off a growing “culture of contempt” in the United States. Clark shares how the program works, the science behind it, whether it’s having the desired impact, and how we can all get involved. Aidan and Ash also discuss how OSS is influencing HMB’s similar mission to bridge the divide by changing the conversation, and how HMB will support OSS in the future. This episode covers everything from the political divide to exchanging emails. Here’s a small sample of what you will hear in this episode:
- Do Aidan & Ash believe in fate?
- What is the mission of StoryCorps?
- How did Sandra become the CEO?
- What programs does StoryCorps have?
- How does One Small Step work?
- Why is it so hard for people to connect in real life?
- Is One Small Step focused on the political divide?
- What’s Sandra’s biggest “aha” moment at StoryCorps?
Who was more convincing: Aidan or Ash? Vote at the bottom of this post.
Enjoy the show! Check out the show notes below for much more detail.
Show Notes
- Intro to One Small Step across a Large Divide
- [0:00] This podcast has been named a Common Sense Selection by Common Sense Media, recognized for its outstanding content for kids and families.
- [0:10] This episode of Hold Me Back is brought to you by WellNow. Walk in or book online at
- [1:22] Welcome to Hold Me Back
- [1:29] Meet Aidan (Gen Z) & Ash (Gen X)
- [2:02] Do Aidan & Ash believe in fate?
- [3:01] NFL RedZone
- [3:11] 60 Minutes
- [5:02] Hold Me Back Podcast: “Political Correctness, Part 2“
- [5:57] Contact Theory (Contact Hypothesis)
- [8:09] Sandra Clark, StoryCorps
- Interview with Sandra Clark
- [10:08] What is the mission of StoryCorps?
- [11:36] NPR (National Public Radio)
- [12:37] Podcast
- [13:45] Pandemic
- [14:21] How did Sandra become the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of StoryCorps?
- [17:12] What programs does StoryCorps have?
- [20:01] Facebook
- [21:46] How does One Small Step (OSS) work?
- [24:42] Why is it so hard for people to connect in real life?
- [29:34] Who typically participates in One Small Step?
- [31:31] Hold Me Back Podcast: “Critical Thinking“
- [34:48] Jennifer Richeson
- [37:30] Content
- [38:02] Is One Small Step focused on the political divide?
- [42:29] What’s Sandra’s biggest “aha” moment at StoryCorps?
- [44:02] How do they grow their brand on Instagram & TikTok?
- [45:01] NFL (National Football League), Super Bowl
- [48:10] What final thoughts does Sandra have?
- Outro
- [52:43] Donate to StoryCorps
- [53:04] Thank you for listening! Follow Hold Me Back on and on Instagram & Facebook
- [53:09] Leave us a 5-star written review on Apple Podcasts
- [53:17] Who was more convincing: Aidan or Ash? Vote below