Is Gen X ruining youth sports for Gen Z? Aidan and Ash discuss how youth sports might be the topic that most exemplifies the growing generational divide. All in this week’s episode of Hold Me Back. Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and your other favorite podcast platforms.
Youth Sports
Is Gen X ruining youth sports for Gen Z? Aidan and Ash discuss how youth sports might be the topic that most exemplifies the growing generational divide. In this emotional and extensive episode, father and son open up to each other on a topic in which they both have many regrets and unresolved conflict. Aidan shares how the pressure he felt to perform impacted his self-esteem and mindset, while Ash reveals what was driving the expectations he was placing on Aidan. Rather than taking sides, father and son find common ground in this unique episode. This episode covers everything from nostalgic sports stories to the moment that left Ash speechless. Here’s a small sample of what you will hear in this episode:
- How often do teachers and coaches swear?
- Why are some parents stricter on swearing?
- Why doesn’t Psychology focus on swearing?
- What are the social benefits of swearing?
- Growing up in a G-rated world vs. R-rated world
- What are the risks of de-sensitizing people to swearing?
- Is swearing a “gateway” to something much worse?
- Should you swear at work?
- What did Aidan and Ash convince each other of?
Who was more convincing: Aidan or Ash? Vote at the bottom of this post.
Enjoy the show! Check out the show notes below for much more detail.
Show Notes
- Intro to Youth Sports
- [0:26] Welcome to Hold Me Back
- [0:32] Meet Aidan (Gen Z) & Ash (Gen X)
- [0:50] Boomers
- [1:11] How has Aidan’s experience with youth sports been?
- [1:28] Anxiety, Stress
- [2:14] Why did Aidan quit swimming?
- [3:31] Why was he angry?
- [4:33] What do colleges like to see in terms of playing sports?
- [6:32] Podcast
- [7:01] Data
- What does the research tell us about youth sports?
- [7:21] Sociologists, Psychologists
- [7:38] How many kids get college scholarships for sports?
- [8:26] How many kids quit playing sports?
- [8:40] “Overzealous parents are ruining youth sports. It’s past time to sit quiet and let the kids play.” by Randi Mazzella
- [8:59] Personal Trainers
- [9:40] Income
- [9:54] “American Meritocracy Is Killing Youth Sports” by Derek Thompson
- [10:28] Tom Ferry Quote on Youth Sports
- [11:16] Travel Teams
- [11:25] Head of U.S. Youth Soccer Association Chris Moore
- [11:53] Pay-to-Play, Video Games
- [12:17] Rec League (Recreational League)
- [13:34] Tryouts
- [14:07] AAU (Amateur Athletic Union)
- [14:58] “WHY YOUTH SPORTS MATTERS” by The Aspen Institute
- [15:46] Depression, Self-Esteem
- [16:10] “How Playing Sports, Even Poorly, Can Make You More Successful in Business” by Judy Mandell
- [17:55] How does Norway approach youth sports?
- [18:05] Winter Olympics
- [19:31] “Sports Parents, We Have a Problem” by Jessica Schrader
- [21:02] Ash’s memorable case from Family Therapy
- [23:09] College Admissions
- [24:01] What is the most unused sports scholarship in the world?
- How is it holding Gen Z back?
- [27:38] Why are youth sports a good thing?
- [28:44] Why is Ash biased towards candidates who played sports?
- [30:56] NBA (National Basketball Association)
- [31:51] Why are parents approaching youth sports wrong for their kids?
- [32:28] Aidan’s challenging experiences with youth sports
- [33:41] High Tone vs. Low Tone
- [33:26] Why was Ash acting the way he did?
- [36:50] Latchkey Kid
- [39:05] The moment that left Ash speechless
- [41:03] One of his most memorable sports moments coaching Aidan
- [42:27] What can you learn from playing sports?
- [42:42] Extracurriculars
- [44:14] For parents who yell at coaches, refs, and their kids from the sideline
- What would you change about youth sports?
- [45:07] What would Ash change about youth sports?
- [45:14] CrossFit
- [46:02] What would Aidan change about how parents approach youth sports?
- [47:57] Save the rec leagues
- [49:18] How did Aidan and Ash work out their tension when it comes to youth sports
- [50:11] Self-Worth
- You convinced me
- [50:58] What was Ash convinced of? In an incredible rant
- [52:25] What was Aidan convinced of?
- [53:02] Growth Mindset
- [54:28] Swim Meets
- [56:03] College Application, Admissions Panels
- [56:46] Thank you for listening! Subscribe to Hold Me Back on

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What is Hold Me Back?
Gen X and Gen Z live together, but we occupy different worlds. As the generational gap widens and conventional wisdom on parenting and education fails, is it even possible to understand one another? In this unique son-and-father podcast, Aidan & Ash ElDifrawi hash out a new contract between generations, forcing them to violate comfort zones on today’s most charged topics: social media and screen time, bullying and loneliness, inequality and privilege, sex and drugs, education and etiquette, even politics, religion, and sports. All to uncover a path toward greater harmony and a hopeful future for the next generation.