Season 4 kicks off with the topic Aidan has successfully avoided for 3 seasons: dating, relationships, and sex. The first of this 2-part series focuses on how hypersexualized media and the ease of access to explicit pornography is affecting tween and teen psychological development, as well as Gen Z’s attitude towards sex and intimacy. The episode features an extensive interview with Dr. Gail Dines, a widely recognized author and scholar on the topic of pornography. All in this week’s episode of Hold Me Back. Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and your other favorite podcast platforms.
Season 4 kicks off with the topic Aidan has successfully avoided for 3 seasons: dating, relationships, and sex. The first of this 2-part series focuses on how hypersexualized media and the ease of access to explicit pornography is affecting tween and teen psychological development, as well as Gen Z’s attitude towards sex and intimacy. The episode features an extensive interview with Dr. Gail Dines, a widely recognized author and scholar on the topic of pornography. Dr. Dines has been researching and writing about the porn industry for well over 30 years, and recently authored the highly acclaimed book Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality. This episode covers everything from the anti-porn perspective to how much of the Internet is porn. Here’s a small sample of what you will hear in this episode:
- How many people watch porn?
- Why did Dr. Gail Dines start Culture Reframed?
- How are girls affected by porn?
- What happens when teens are exposed to porn?
- How do you improve the porn industry?
- What does porn mean for you as a parent?
- How has porn impacted the dating world?
- What did Aidan & Ash think of Dr. Dines’ points?
Who was more convincing: Aidan or Ash? Vote at the bottom of this post.
Enjoy the show! Check out the show notes below for much more detail.
Show Notes
- Intro to Pornography
- [1:33] Welcome to Hold Me Back
- [1:35] Meet Aidan (Gen Z) & Ash (Gen X)
- [4:58] What will be discussed in this episode?
- [5:48] Google
- The Research
- [7:28] “Porn Statistics [2023]: How Many People REALLY Watch Porn?“
- [8:02] “Effects of Porn Addiction on a Teen Brain“
- [9:02] Netflix, Amazon, Twitter
- [10:59] Who is Dr. Gail Dines?
- [11:28] Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality by Dr. Gail Dines
- [12:31] “Hold Me Back Podcast: Teens and Their Screens“
- Interview with Dr. Gail Dines
- [13:18] Why did Dr. Dines start Culture Reframed?
- [15:10] Internet
- [16:31] How is porn defined in these studies?
- [19:01] Why does Dr. Dines consider it The Porn Crisis?
- [20:41] Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok
- [21:17] How are girls affected by porn?
- [21:34] “Adolescents’ Online Pornography Exposure and Its Relationship to Sociodemographic and Psychopathological Correlates: A Cross-Sectional Study in Six European Countries“
- [26:12] How does the porn industry overlap with sex workers?
- [31:14] Feminism
- [35:24] McDonald’s
- [37:08] How do you improve the porn industry?
- [38:42] Zoom
- [39:40] PR (Public Relations)
- [40:02] How should you approach the porn industry as a parent?
- [41:18] Culture Reframed Parents Program
- [43:32] Sex Ed (Sex Education)
- [48:52] How has porn impacted the dating world?
- [51:01] Social Media
- [56:04] Dopamine
- [59:31] How has Dr. Dines approached the porn industry in her own life?
- [1:02:43] How does porn affect the LGBTQ+ community?
- Outro
- [1:06:08] What did Ash think of Dr. Dines’ points?
- [1:08:14] What did Aidan think of Dr. Dines’ points?
- [1:12:35] Thank you for listening! Follow Hold Me Back on and on Instagram & Facebook
- [1:12:42] Leave us a 5-star written review on Apple Podcasts
- [1:12:47] Who was more convincing: Aidan or Ash? Vote below